Results for "LBJ School of Public Affairs"
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Economic inequality, economic policy analysis, comparative economic policy, history of economic thought, and modern political history
A retired U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General, Howell had served as director of the Johnson Space Center since April 2002. In that post he was responsible for planning and directing all of the center's programs,…
American grand strategy, national security policy, Reagan Administration foreign policy, American diplomatic history, American religious history, international religious freedom policy, ethics and international…
Rana Siu Inboden is an Associate with the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law and a Visiting Scholar at the University of Texas-Austin. She serves as a consultant on human rights, democracy…
National security, International trade, Technological innovation.
I am intensely interested in the history of the modern Civil Rights Movement, its relationship with the Black Power Movement and black radicalism in general, and its impact of racial justice, democracy, and notions,…
International relations, ethnic conflict, military intervention, peaceful conflict management, nuclear nonproliferation, national security.
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I am an assistant professor in the UT Austin School of…