Results for "Psychology"
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How personality is revealed in real-world contexts in everyday life, focusing on how individuals select and craft the environments in which they dwell to suit their personalities, examining a number of different…
Reading and its acquisition; also psycholinguistics and cognition
Dr. Griffin studies how people express thoughts or messages in spoken utterances. Work in the Cognition and Communication Lab is particularly concerned with how messages are mapped onto words and how speakers manage…
The biological underpinnings of cognitive impairment associated with aging and dementia- in particular, studying the neural substrates of memory, language and executive function in clinical populations, in vivo, by…
Cognitive neuroscience of attention and categorization; identification, categorization and decision making; mathematical psychology
Dr. Hayhoe is currently developing a human sensory-motor lab, in collaboration with Dana Ballard in Computer Science, for measuring unconstrained eye, head, and hand movements in the performance of natural tasks, and…
As a pediatric psychologist, I am interested in research investigating the effectiveness of a 7-session cognitive behavioral therapy protocol coupled with hypnotherapy for youth with functional gastrointestinal…
Broadly speaking, my program of research has one major objective: to understand the role that basic cognitive processes play in promoting social harmony. Specifically, most of my research explores how situational…