Results for "Psychology"
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Perception, memory and cognition in infants
In general Dr. Cohen and his students in the Infant Cognition Laboratory have been examining how infants process and integrate visual and auditory information from…
My research interests have evolved over the years from studying stereoscopic vision, to natural scene statistics related to binocular vision, to the processing of motion through depth (i.e. 3D motion). This last…
Professor Crosnoe's main research area is the educational success and healthy development of children, adolescents, and young adults in the U.S. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative methods, he studies the…
Dr. Davis’s research focuses on designing and disseminating nutrition, physical activity, and behavioral interventions to reduce obesity and related metabolic disorders in overweight minority children and adolescents…
My research is in the emerging field of computational behavioral science, bridging insights from developmental science, clinical psychology, computer science, and electrical engineering. Across all my work I…
Behavioral neuroendocrinology; the role of social stress on the development of aggressive behavior during puberty; individual differences in stress responsiveness associated with differences in social behavior
Neural regulation of motivated behaviors, especially mating; sexual behavior as a prototypic model for understanding motivation and its associated disorders; neuroendocrinological factors of depression and addiction…