Results for "Students in the McNair Scholars program"
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International relations; European security; military doctrine; International security
Felicity Muth is an Assistant Professor Department of Integrative Biology. She is broadly interested in animal behaviour and cognition, especially aspects of learning and memory that have a clear function in the…
Part-Time Lab Assistant
The Natividad Lab is looking for an undergraduate or post-bachelor student interested in working as a part-time research assistant for the Spring 2023 semester…
Department Research Areas:
Geologic Carbon Storage
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Production Engineering
Reservoir Engineering
Unconventional Resources
The Nixon Lab studies neuropathology associated with alcohol use disorder. We specifically focus on the role of adult neural stem cells (adult neurogenesis) in the damage caused by alcohol, but also are one of the…
Decreasing disparities and increasing access to care for youth with new onset epilepsy.
Sign language linguistics, articulatory phonology, sociolinguistic variation and change, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, co-speech gesture, embodied cognition, bimodal bilingualism, cognitive science
We applied experimental and computational approaches to investigate the factors contributing to the evolution of bacterial genomes and microbial communities.
Some on the projects that are currently underway in…