Results for "Students in the McNair Scholars program"
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My research centers on the dynamics of environmental public policy deliberation, environmental justice, and environmental community-based participatory research.
Cardiovascular biomechanics; computational simulation of the behavior of the cardiovascular system; advanced constitutive models, biomechanical interactions of cell, tissue, and organ in native and engineered heart…
Higher education policy issues; Educational benefits of racial/ethnic diversity; Desegregation issues; Access, transition, and retention issues for underrepresented college students; Policy impacts of affirmative…
Saleh’s research has three thrust areas that he calls the 3Es; i.e., Evaluate, Engage, and Engineer. Over the past decade he has focused on safe development of nano-enabled treatment technologies, that are socially…
Latine educational civic narratives in linguistically and culturally diverse K-12 classrooms; Social Studies education; Teachers of color in the social studies.
Dr. Aaron Sandel studies chimpanzee behavior and physiology in Uganda. Dr. Sandel's broad research interests include primate social behavior, friendship, life history, growth, and how natural selection shapes…
Her research focuses on audit policy with the main objective of helping standard setters and regulators understand the current auditing environment and develop ways to improve auditing. Jaime Schmidt teaches…
My research is applied in motivation: How can we build sustainable communities by better integrating transportation and land use planning? How can we shape transportation revenue and funding practices to incentivize…