Results for "Students in the McNair Scholars program"
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- Qualitative research
- Fandom, participatory culture, and public relations
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion in strategic communication firms
- Intersectionality and the lived…
Professor Keiko Torii is a professor at the Molecular Biosciences Department. She is currently holding Johnson & Johnson Centennial Chair of Plant Cell Biology, and she is also Investigator of Howard Hughes…
Philosophy; psychoanalysis/psychotherapy; medical humanities; post-war American culture, the history of psychoanalytic thought; masochism; shame; psychosis; mysticism; Daniel Paul Schreber; Opicinus de Canistris;…
Urban education from a sociological and multicultural perspective, with a focus on minority youth in schools, particularly at the K-12 level. Other areas of interest include immigration, human rights, and U.S.-Mexico…
Autism, ADHD, Language Development, Health and Educational Disparities, Families, Bilingualism, Child Development
Enhancing outcomes for students with disabilities in the areas of reading and social development through the development, identification, implementation, and evaluation of effective interventions that are sustainable…
Plasma Physics, especially magnetic reconnection, the macroscopic nonlinear dynamics of magnetically confined fusion plasma, and the dynamics of the scrape-off layer of fusion devices. Reduced models describing the…
Neuroengineering, Bioelectronics, Biomaterials, Wearable Electronics, Nanotechnology Recent advances in bidirectional neural interfacing enable both improved neurosciences understanding and enhanced clinical…