Results for "Students in the McNair Scholars program"
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Plasma Physics, especially magnetic reconnection, the macroscopic nonlinear dynamics of magnetically confined fusion plasma, and the dynamics of the scrape-off layer of fusion devices. Reduced models describing the…
First-principles simulations of semiconductors for energy sustainability
Neuroengineering, Bioelectronics, Biomaterials, Wearable Electronics, Nanotechnology Recent advances in bidirectional neural interfacing enable both improved neurosciences understanding and enhanced clinical…
Dr. Wasserman's research interest is the design, growth, fabrication and characterization of materials, structures, and devices which either generate, detector or in some way manipulate light, with a focus on the…
* Global Governance * International Monetary Fund * World Bank * Economics * Globalization and International Affairs International Development Foreign Aid Data for Development * International Relations
I provide regular research opportunities to students as a faculty affiliate with the Innovations for Peace and Development (IPD) research lab. At IPD,…
Business and politics; corporate social responsibility; corporate governance; lobbying; campaign contributions; social movements; interest groups; political economy
I examine issue of power and voice in K-12 education policy making and implementation processes, with a focus on public school district superintendents and school boards