Results for "North America"
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History of Science Environmental History US and Caribbean 19th and 20th century American science Transnational connections of science in the US with Latin American and European science
Heart failure self-management
Cardiac or cardiovascular self-management
Digital games for health
Sensors for health
Cultural adaptation of digital interventions…
I study how people engage with politics online. I am interested in how online spaces can foster spirited, engaging political discussions and contribute to building a vibrant deliberative democracy. I combine large-…
Dr. Raley's research investigates family trends, the social determinants of family formation, and the impact of family change on social stratification. As part of a larger agenda examining the economic, social, and…
Cross-cultural psychology, ethnopsychology, cognitive styles, and cultural values. Current research interests are in multicultural psychotherapy, on the relationship of acculturation to mental health and family…
Engineering communication; Engineering ethics; Engineering education; Rhetoric and writing; Poetry and poetics; Australian literature; women's literature; North American women's poetry.
eighteenth-century British and American portraiture; the status and representation of artists; early 20th century American sculpture
European Studies
European Union (EU)
EU Foreign Policy
European Parliament
Transatlantic Relations