Results for "North America"
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Romantic and Sexual Behavior and Decision-Making, Marriage and Family, Measurement and Analytic Strategies, Sociology of Religion.
Erin Reilly is a creator, educator, and strategist with 20 years of experience inventing new approaches, products, services, and experiences about storytelling, engagement, and learning through immersive technology.…
Web-based learning environments; computer-supported collaborative learning; the use of telecommunications and multimedia technologies to enhance learning opportunities for students in rural isolated areas;…
Professor Reyes is the Director of the UT-Austin Education Research Center which is a virtual research center dedicated to helping state policymakers evaluate or analyze education policies. As a social scientist, Dr…
Archaeology; history; ethnohistory; Mesoamerica; the Spanish empire in Latin America; Mexico; Puerto Rico; archaeometry (INAA and LA-ICP-MS); colonialism; religious conversion; and food
Climate Change
Past Societies
Prehistory of China, Mongolia, and the Middle East
Dryland Regions and Human Adaptations
Dr. Rudrappa's interests include reproductive justice, comparative race/ ethnicity, gender, feminist theory, and labor. Her most recent monograph is Discounted Life: The Price of Global Surrogacy in India (NYU Press…