Results for "North America"
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Caregiving, Millennial Caregivers, Well-Being, Employment, Financial Hardship, Health Disparities
Dr. Tierney’s research focuses on improving health care delivery and its outcomes through developing and implementing electronic health record systems (EHRs) in hospital and outpatient venues in Indiana and in East…
Electricity grid operations, integration of renewable and/or flexible generation onto the grid, vehicle technology trends, vehicle powertrain electrification, integration of electric vehicles with the electricity…
Autism, ADHD, Language Development, Health and Educational Disparities, Families, Bilingualism, Child Development
Enhancing outcomes for students with disabilities in the areas of reading and social development through the development, identification, implementation, and evaluation of effective interventions that are sustainable…
Motivational interviewing, substance use, evidence-based behavioral interventions.
ethnoarchaeology; ethnohistory/historical anthropology; Native American prehistory and history; dynamics of culture change; power; ethnicity; gender; ceramic technology; Texas, Northern Mexico; Plains. Europe; Iberia…
Health promotion of women during pregnancy and the postpartum period; gestational weight gain