Results for "Urban Studies"
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environmental planning, growth management, sustainable community development, public policy dispute resolution, community consensus building
Joseph Potter's interests lie in the areas of reproductive health, population and development, and demographic estimation. Together with Carl Schmertmann, Renato Assunção, and Suzana Cavenaghi, he has been…
Professor Reyes is the Director of the UT-Austin Education Research Center which is a virtual research center dedicated to helping state policymakers evaluate or analyze education policies. As a social scientist, Dr…
Mexican politics and public policy; women and public policy; women in Latin America; policy development; theory of public policy
Innovative uses of materials and building materials including creative explorations, in particular, in the use of steel, glass, stone, and other masonry products; alternative patterns of suburban development based on…
urban policy
operations research and evaluation
local government
apprehension, deterrence, and rehabilitation of repeat offenders
neighborhood problem-solving
community crime prevention
Dr. Straubhaar's primary teaching, research and writing interests are in global media, international communication and cultural theory, the digital divide in the U. S. and other countries, television in Latin America…