The Phelps lab is broadly interested in animal social behavior, its brain mechanisms, and how those mechanisms evolve. We do a variety of work ranging from mechanisms of gene regulation to the fitness consequences of…
Results for "genetics"
The Barrick lab studies evolution in action using experiments with bacteria, molecules, and digital organisms. We are interested in understanding how mutations that affect different cellular processes can promote and…
Genotyping, Selection, Genetics, Phenotyping, Quantitative Genetics, PCR, DNA, DNA Sequencing, Population Genetics, Genomics, Molecular Markers, Genetic Diversity, Genetic Analysis, Molecular Population Genetics,…
Dr. Chen studies genetic and epigenetic mechanisms for gene expression changes in plant polyploids and hybrids
Professor DeLozanne is interested in defining the molecular basis of the lysosomal disorder known as the Chediak-Higashi Syndrome. This disease is caused by mutations in a very large gene and result in the loss of a…
Interests include South American primates, social behavior, reproductive strategies, molecular ecology, primate genomics, primate population genetics, animal movement, computer simulation of animal behavior, wildlife…
My group focuses on the generation of variability in disease phenotypes as well as the signaling interactions and cellular behaviors that drive integration and morphogenesis of the vertebrate head. My lab maintains a…
The Ellington lab is primarily interested in high-throughput synthetic biology methods for the development of diagnostics and therapeutics. During the pandemic, we developed a wide variety of diagnostic assays that…
Keywords: bioethics, artificial intelligence
Publications: Over 80 sole-authored articles and 6 books. Work has been translated into German, Portuguese,…