Results for "Portugal"
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Directing and producing independent documentary and dramatic films and video, and audio projects.
Currently working on a primary project; a film about a Christian, gay, African-American musician in his…
Women's career paths in traditionally male-dominated fields. Current research focuses on women winemakers in California and internationally.
Human brain research in neuroscience, psychobiology, neurocognitive enhancement, learning and memory, brain stimulation, photobiomodulation, cognitive aging, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder, ADHD,…
Transition-metal compounds, Lithium ion batteries, Fuel cells, Oxygen-permeation membranes, Electrical energy storage and conversion
Perinatal Nursing Global Health International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) related research Interdisciplinary lactation support and community perinatal education Marginalized populations Entry to…
Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature, Comparative literature, literary theory, cultural theory, film studies
The complex relationships, from cultural to environmental, of buildings and landscapes. Basically, how buildings create landscapes.
Architecture, and the relationship of natural landscapes and sustainable…
structural dynamics; structural reliability; wind energy; wave energy; offshore structures; applied probability; climate change; uncertainty quantification