Results for "Students in the McNair Scholars program"
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Human brain research in neuroscience, psychobiology, neurocognitive enhancement, learning and memory, brain stimulation, photobiomodulation, cognitive aging, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder, ADHD,…
Dr. González-Martin holds a Ph.D. in Folklore & Ethnomusicology from Indiana University. Her research focuses on the verbal and material traditions in and of the American Latinx Diaspora. Her work looks at…
Culture and Power in the Black Diaspora; Critical Gender Studies (particularly Black men); Critical Race Theory; Race Education; Racial Economy of Space and Resources; Race Gender and Commemoration
Broadly, my scientific interests center on the role of surface processes in controlling the evolution of planetary landscapes. Our group's research focuses on the use of remote sensing data (e.g., images, topography…
Communication dimensions of medical research and health policy.
Dr. Griffin studies how people express thoughts or messages in spoken utterances. Work in the Cognition and Communication Lab is particularly concerned with how messages are mapped onto words and how speakers manage…
Phase separation is a common phenomenon in daily life. It's why the oil and vinegar on your salad dressing don't mix. Protein phase separation is recently discovered in biological systems and has been shown to play a…
Tectonic processes, tectonic-climate interactions and geohazards of convergent margins and transitional tectonic environments
Role of catastrophism in the geologic record including impact cratering, hurricanes…