Results for "Students in the McNair Scholars program"
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Reptile and amphibian biodiversity and evolution.
Phylogenomics and phylogeny of amphibians.
Biogeography and biodiversity of Latin America.
Evolutionary morphology of amphibians.
Test equity for diverse populations
Accessible school and workplaces
Transition for deaf students
Evidence-based practices in systems change
Drama-based instructional strategies
Computational Biology; Bioinformatics; Machine Learning; Genomics
Digital Studies, Ethnic Studies, Latina/o Studies, and Science & Technology Studies, history of technology (especially electronics and computing), US-Mexico borderlands, Latina/o/e lifeworlds and knowledge…
Nanomanufacturing, nanostructures, multifunctional materials.
International Relations, International Organizations, International Political Economy, International Security and Conflict, Game Theory
Jewish studies: history of liturgy, homiletics, Hebrew Bible, Book of Psalms; research practices: argument in academic disciplines, rhetoric of science, technical and professional communication; reading and writing…
Dr. Chen has focused on digital media technologies in entrepreneurial and organizational settings. Chen's research interests include the social implications of digital meda and communication technologies, social…