Results for "Students in the McNair Scholars program"
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public monuments of Rome and their propagandistic functions, art and architecture of the Roman Republic
20th U.S. History, African American History, Black Women's History, Critical Sports Studies, Sports History, Podcasting
I study patterns of geographic variation among populations to understand evolutionary processes such as local adaptation, population divergence, and speciation. My research combines aspects of ecology, evolution,…
Rhetorical Theory, History and Criticism; Composition Studies; Political Discourse; Critical Discourse Analysis; Comparative/Contrastive and (Inter)cultural Rhetoric; Public Address; Transnational Rhetoric;…
Mexican Literature and Culture, Violence in Latin America, Latin American Gender and Queer Studies, Cultural Studies (film, media and the arts)
Systems analysis, environmental and energy policy, nonprofit management, sustainable development in international river basins, evaluation of energy and water conservation programs, prevention of pollution
Social neuroendocrinology Individual differences Stress and health
Our current projects are in the areas of infectious disease, cancer, and cardiovascular / pulmonary health. We are guided by a broad curiosity about how enzymes work and how we can manipulate their functions. In most…