Results for "research abroad"
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Gender, Sexuality, Health, Development, Labor History, Political Economy; Post-Colonialism;
Urban Social Histories, Popular Culture, Historiography, Memory, Liberalism, Middle
East; South…
Latin American Literature and Film; Inter-American Cultural Studies; Music and Sound Studies
Holocaust history; Holocaust representations (literature, film, art, monuments); Holocaust and gender; Holocaust and (trans-generational) trauma; Genocide Studies; Memory studies; Sexual Violence in armed conflict;…
The role of the law and courts in supporting or extending the rights associated with democracy; Latin America; constitutional change and constitutional justice in the region; the judicial response to police violence…
Dr. Brower is a historian of modern France and its colonies with a focus on Algeria. His research examines the colonial situation, and its impact on the societies of the colonized and colonizers. His first book, A…
Politics of climate change; developing country debt relief; HIV/AIDS; the International Criminal Court in selected country cases in the advanced industrialized world; transatlantic relations, both in international…
Reptile and amphibian biodiversity and evolution.
Phylogenomics and phylogeny of amphibians.
Biogeography and biodiversity of Latin America.
Evolutionary morphology of amphibians.
Indigenous media and cultures in the Americas, with a focus on the movement of contemporary Mapuche poetry, the role of Indigenous voices on radio as well as the revitalization of Indigenous languages and cultures in…