Results for "Educational Psychology"
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Understanding the influences on school learning; the nature and measurement of intelligence; multiple regression analysis, structural equation modeling, and confirmatory factor analysis
Missing data, Bayesian statistics, multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, general modeling frameworks, statistical computing, and philosophy of science.
Brian Keller's main research interests are…
Psychometrics; item response theory and its application to computerized adaptive testing and attitude measurement; multidimensional scaling; multivariate statistical analysis; questionnaire and survey research;…
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I am an assistant professor in the UT Austin School of…
My research focuses on three distinct lines of inquiry in stress and coping: (a) wellness and health psychology, (b) identification of psychological resources that can help prevent stress, and (c) extending basic…
- Achievement motivation
- Student and teacher beliefs that support or hinder motivation
- How teachers, parents, and peers can support or hinder motivation
My research interests center on the psychological health benefits of self-compassion. Self-compassion entails self-kindness, feelings of interconnectedness, and mindfulness. I have developed various scales to measure…
Professor Reyes is the Director of the UT-Austin Education Research Center which is a virtual research center dedicated to helping state policymakers evaluate or analyze education policies. As a social scientist, Dr…