Results for "Sophomores"
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Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction
Information Retrieval & Search Engines
Crowdsourcing & Human Computation
Natural Language Processing & Human Language…
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I am an assistant professor in the UT Austin School of…
-- Machine learning on social networks
-- Recommendation systems
-- Social media analysis
Violin performance, teaching, and music education
Working memory, cognitive control, episodic memory, functional neuroimaging
Currently I have been focusing more on intimate partner violence and Chinese immigrant women’s health. I'm designing and testing an empowerment-based intervention for Chinese immigrant survivors of IPV to reduce…
Li group uses various laser spectroscopy to study new materials. Recent examples of materials investigated include thin layers that are just one atom or one unit cell thick. These materials can be prepared by just…
gender studies, feminism, and queer theory; Latin American literature of the nineteenth through twenty-first centuries; literary translation; film studies; Jewish writing and film