I am involved in a long-term multi-sited exploration of jazz *outside* of the US. Questions include: the role of race and class; stylistic variations; and the alternative political uses of the music in various…
Results for "politics"
Economic inequality, economic policy analysis, comparative economic policy, history of economic thought, and modern political history
Development policy and comparative politics, with regional concentrations in Latin America (his primary area of interest) and southern Europe, bureaucratic politics and public policy in developing areas such as…
politics of race and gender in the postwar U.S.; social movements; cultural studies; political consciousness in the civil rights era urban South, especially new articulations of freedom emerging from the rural-urban…
Political parties, elections, and voting behavior; Mexican politics; Latin American politics; research methods; comparative democratization.
I am currently Principal Investigator on the Mexico 2012 Panel Study…
Keywords: bioethics, artificial intelligence
Publications: Over 80 sole-authored articles and 6 books. Work has been translated into German, Portuguese,…
I have two main research areas --the history of German film, with a special emphasis on Weimar cinema, Nazi cinema, and DEFA cinema, and early film theory, media theory, and the history of media convergence --German…
South Asia: domestic and international politics (India specialty) Comparative ethnic conflict British India: European images and artists' representation Professor Hardgrave is a specialist in comparative politics,…
Politics and the mass media; media and politics; presidential studies; rhetorical analysis; American government