I am involved in a long-term multi-sited exploration of jazz *outside* of the US. Questions include: the role of race and class; stylistic variations; and the alternative political uses of the music in various…
Results for "politics"
comparative politics in the developing world, with an emphasis on the Middle East and questions of domestically-driven regime change; the impact of ruling parties in maintaining authoritarianism and preventing…
Professor Budziszewski specializes in political philosophy, ethical philosophy, legal philosophy, and the interaction of religion with philosophy. Among his research interests are classical natural law, virtue ethics…
Politics of climate change; developing country debt relief; HIV/AIDS; the International Criminal Court in selected country cases in the advanced industrialized world; transatlantic relations, both in international…
Indigenous media and cultures in the Americas, with a focus on the movement of contemporary Mapuche poetry, the role of Indigenous voices on radio as well as the revitalization of Indigenous languages and cultures in…
Dr. Carleton is the Executive Director of the Center for American History. His focus is on 20th century U.S. political and news media history as well as Texas history.
Gender and women's rights; political sociology; social movements; Middle East; colonialism; comparative historical methodology; globalization.
History of popular culture and consumerism in twentieth-century Germany and Europe, the history and politics of memory, the visual history of Germany in the twentieth century, with a specific focus upon photographic…
Irish literature, film, politics, and culture; modern poetry; women's studies; drama and film; Shakespeare; the relation between high and popular culture