I am involved in a long-term multi-sited exploration of jazz *outside* of the US. Questions include: the role of race and class; stylistic variations; and the alternative political uses of the music in various…
Results for "politics"
Multicultural aspects of advertising; the legal problems of advertising; political advertising; advertising effectiveness; the importance of integrated communications versus advertising through traditional media;…
U.S. cultural and social history; popular culture; social thought; animal studies; women’s and gender history; U.S. social movements; modern South Asia.
Davis serves as a regular consultant for museum…
Critical pedagogy in contemporary context; curriculum theory; critical and marxist theory; globalization and education; philosophy of education; cultural studies, feminist and postcolonial theory; education policy…
Moral and political philosophy, philosophy of law
Systems analysis, environmental and energy policy, nonprofit management, sustainable development in international river basins, evaluation of energy and water conservation programs, prevention of pollution
Rhetorical education (e.g., speech, writing, performance, ethics) of Barbara Jordan, Houston's Fifth Ward, African Americans in the South. History of rhetoric, especially 18th- and 19th-century, in the UK and America…
U.S. political and constitutional history, 1763-1877; politics in the North during the American Civil War; Abraham Lincoln
I teach and write about medieval and early modern intellectual and religious history, with an emphasis on the Italian Renaissance. I also work on the book history between manuscript and print, and the reception of…