I am involved in a long-term multi-sited exploration of jazz *outside* of the US. Questions include: the role of race and class; stylistic variations; and the alternative political uses of the music in various…
Results for "politics"
Professor Jones’ research interests center in the study of public policy processes and American governing institutions. He directs the Policy Agendas Project (http://www.…
Health and environmental risk communication; information processing; television viewing; political communication
International relations, ethnic conflict, military intervention, peaceful conflict management, nuclear nonproliferation, national security.
The history of U.S. foreign relations, especially during the Cold War; United States since 1941; Vietnam War; decolonization.
Dr. Leal's primary academic interest is Latino politics, and his work explores the political and policy implications of demographic change in the United States. His research primarily involves quantitative-…
Constitutional development and constitutional theory, particularly with regard to theories of interpretation; the American welfare state; multiculturalism; the constitutional implications of American expansionism;…
* Primate Behavior
* Primate Ecology
* Evolution of Cooperation
* Biological Markets
* Sexual Selection
* Intersexual Conflict
* Wild Lemurs
* Captive Chimpanzees
Dr. Lewis’ last book was about contemporary surveillance practices in the US. His previous work was on alternative media, especially emerging forms of cinema in Native America and elsewhere. He also runs Endofaustin.…