I am involved in a long-term multi-sited exploration of jazz *outside* of the US. Questions include: the role of race and class; stylistic variations; and the alternative political uses of the music in various…
Results for "politics"
ancient and modern political philosophy; ethics; problems of justice and moral responsibility; the intellectual virtues; liberal education; freedom of speech
environmental planning, growth management, sustainable community development, public policy dispute resolution, community consensus building
Security, Armed Forces, Warfare, Special Operations Forces, Terrorism, Counterterrorism, Radicalism, Middle East.
Greek History, Greek Religion, Epigraphy
Professor Perry specializes in the U.S. Supreme Court, constitutional interpretation, and the intersection of law and politics. His works in progress include a study of decision making in the U.S. Department of…
Dr. Philpot’s research focuses on the conditions that enable marginalized groups in American society to function in a more democratic system.
Polling and real-world applications of research; mass communication
Professor Reyes is the Director of the UT-Austin Education Research Center which is a virtual research center dedicated to helping state policymakers evaluate or analyze education policies. As a social scientist, Dr…